

How to use your smartphone battery last longer

Often you will find yourself asking your scour, where is the outlet to plug in your phone or anyone from your scour asking for a charger to borrow. Some will get hopefully you’re the one if not; you have experienced such kind of situation whether you’re in a bar, hotels, classroom and in the car.  For most of people now days, when low batteries alert appear is usually followed by an abrupt feeling of panic. Means the dead battery prompt with low battery in less time after you remove from the plug in, so you cannot access your what Sapp, Facebook, twitter, send or receive text message and calls from your relatives and family to. Many people do not realize that the way they use their smartphone everyday impacts a lot the drains of the battery life. Here is what you can do and avoid also making your battery life to live longer.


Turn off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS.

This is the most evident to most of us, turning ON the Wi-Fi, Bluetooth when there are not in use your draining battery life fast; make sure you turn off both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when you’re not in use with them. Remember even if they are idle they use excess power. To turn off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, go to settings under network & connections tap Wi-Fi and Bluetooth then turn it off.

GPS is just for location update, in your phone they are some of apps which will need to access your location every time and feed your information based on your location where you are. While updating your location uses excess power and cause your battery to drains much faster. So turn off all apps that uses GPS or turn off GPS.To turn off GPS, go to settings under Security & Account management taps Location then turn off when is on.


Turn off 4G LTE network when there is weak signal or no signal at all.

If your phone has 4G LTE capability and in your area the network signal is too weak or no signal at all turn off 4G LTE network since your phone will suffer much searching for 4G signal in your area that drains your battery life. Also using 4G network will drain your battery life since use excess power. Use 3G(H, H pluss and 2G (GSM).


Turn down the screen brightness

One of the most screen drainers in your smartphone is the screen brightness; adjust your screen brightness as low as possible to 50 or 25 per cent. Also android and IPhones smartphone you can still adjust your brightness to auto-brightness settings. This is very smart brightness for your smartphone to have longer life time.


Check your call limit.

Try to shortened your call time to anyone you call, you have heard your fellow or friend saying my phone battery is dying while talking to someone and continue to talk for several minutes and hours? The answer is yes absolutely, so try to limit your call conversation to conserve your battery life.


Never let your phone get to hot.

To let your battery getting to hot my cause drain of your battery also may cause permanent damage of your battery. So avoid leaving your phone on the sun whether you’re playing football, basketball etc. asks someone to held for you. Also never leave your phone in the car.


Don’t use your phone while charging.

This are the big mistake many of use found into, someone opens several apps like what Sapp, Facebook messenger, Instagram etc. start chatting with someone else. This drains your battery also, try to avoid it.


Never use quick/ more powerful charger to charge your phone.

Several phone has the capability of quick charge that can recharge more fast when plugged in on wall switch with powerful charger, other option you can decide for yourself either you want to charge your phone quick or low. This may damage and drain your battery capability. In choosing the charging option tries to use slow charger to help your battery to last for long period of time.
Note: for those often charge their phone during night so that he/she can use during the morning try to use slower charger otherwise you will get your battery damage or draining.


Limit notifications.

I am sure you cannot need notification of every app installed to your phone every second, minutes during a day. Try to change your notification setting to reduce the frequency of alerts into your phone. Also limit auto update from social media for example Facebook, email and news, will help to save your battery life.


Turn your phone off at least once per day.

During the midnight while sleeping try always to turn off your phone, if you don’t wait for any special call or text message.


Freeze the apps you’re not using.

How many apps your installed into your phone? How many apps installed in your phone you do use often? How many apps installed into your phone you do not use? Go and check if you have the apps you don’t use freeze them, will save your battery life also.


Enable airplane mode

You may find yourself in area with no network signal, even if you use manual or automatic setting no signals you do get. The best option is to turn on airplane mode to prevent your phone searching for network signal that may drain your battery life.

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