

Change language android phone

How to change language in android phone

When you order you’re android phone/device from United State, China or France, you will find the operating system is in Chinese, English (US), or Francois. After you got your device you can pick the language of your own since android device supports multiple language so that can be useful to people who don’t know more than one language. follow the steps below

Here you can change the display language

Turn on your android device, click on settings if your phone is in language that you don’t understand find the gear icon click on.
Under system click on language & Input, if is in language that you don’t understand look for the symbol
Under language & Input click on language, if you don’t understand language, language will always be the first option in the language & input.

Under language selection displays all available language in their inborn language. Check on the language you want to switch instantly.

Also go back and set your spell checker language since spell checker separates your keyboard, if its enabled you will need to adjust the language it uses.
Now open settings or gear icon, under settings tap language & input > spell checker (Android spell checker), under spell checker click on language then choose use system language, and note: use the same language you set before.

Change input language

You may find that your keyboard uses different language than your display language. Now you have to change your keyboard language: click on settings, under system click language & input menu, you will find two keyboard listed taps on android keyboard beneath current keyboard> Language list of language will be listed pick the language you want.

Change the Google now Language

You can change also Google now language, click on settings or icon gear under security & account management find Google
Click on Google, scroll down find search click then under Search & now tap on Voice>click language now you will find the top of the language list.

Check the box for languages you want to use you may use more than one language but you need to set the default language.
To set the default language when you use more than one language selected, tap and hold the language you want to use it as a default, that will be the language that Google now uses.

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