

How to connect, delete and manage Wi-Fi network using command prompt in your windows 10 PC

Wi-Fi network refers to the type of network that communicates without the need of wired lines based on the structure of the network, which are wireless ad hoc networks and cellular networks. Wi-Fi Network comes as alternatives for wired network connects computers to each other, to the internet and to the wired network also.

Due to fast growing of technology around the world the internet remains as the basic need for everyone, without the internet you can’t access social media, you can’t surf around the web, now days some payments are done online to, purchasing of product, etc. both done online, so without internet connection you can’t access all of these services.

On windows operating system you can access the internet through Wi-Fi connection, which you can able to manage it through the network settings. In both windows you can use command line interface to run, manage and delete your Wi-Fi networks. 

Command prompt is one of the desktop apps that offer more features to interact with your computer through using command. Some features offered by command prompt are to manage, run and delete Wi-Fi network.

In this article I will teach you on how you can run, delete and manage Wi-Fi network on your computer, you need to open the command line interface and run it with administrator privileges, otherwise will denies the command.

To run the command prompt type CMD in the search windows on your left hand side near the windows icon then tap and right click on it then select run as administrator, the prompt window will be prompted to you, click yes. Or press WINDOWS + X, from the list given select command prompt (Admin).

Always when you connect to wireless access point the windows operating system creates wireless network profile stored on your computer. To views these various wireless network profiles saved on your computer type in command prompt: C: 

Also with command prompt you can get information about your computer wireless adapter. The command will show you the precise drivers being used in your computer along with the driver version.
Command>Netsh wlan show drivers
With command prompt you can see your computer Wi-Fi capabilities.

View wireless adapter settings

The command prompt also allows you to see the interfaces available in your computer system. After typing the command will shows you Wi-Fi name, description, GUID, physical address, and Radio Status. Also the command will be able to show hosted network status. If you need to see the information of only one adapter type in the command below

With the command prompt you can also be able to view your saved Wi-Fi password especially if you lost and can’t remember your network security key to connect. Type the command below to recover your Wi-Fi password from any of the Wi-Fi connection profiles saved on your computer.
NETSH WLAN SHOW PROFILE NAME=”Wi-Fi connection name” Key=Clear

Start and Stop Wi-Fi hotspot connection

You can use command line interface to sign into your computer Wi-Fi network, start and stop hosted network. It’s suitable especially if your windows Wi-Fi connection is not visible. Use NETSH WLAN START HOSTEDNET to start hosted network and NETSH WLAN STOP HOSTEDNETWORK to stop hosted network.

Stop automatic connection of Wi-Fi network to manual connection

Might happen your computer connects to different Wi-Fi network automatically, and you noticed at the time your computer connect to these network has poor connectivity apart of available full network. You can use the following command to stop automatic connection of Wi-Fi network to manual connection: NETSH WLAN SET PROFILEPARAMETER NAME=”TYPE IN WI-FI CONNECTION NAME” CONNECTIONMODE=MANUAL.

To return back to automatic network connection using command apart of from the above command remove MANUAL and TYPE AUTO.

To view and delete network profiles stored on your computer

With command prompt also you can view network profiles stored in your computer and delete it especially if you no longer need to connect to that particular wireless network. Use the following command to view network profiles: NETSH WLAN SHOW PROFILES. To delete direct the network profile you do remember use the command below: NETSH WLAN DELETE PROFILE NAME=”TYPE IN THE PROFILE WIFI CONNECTION YOU NEED TO DELETE FROM YOUR COMPUTER"

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