

How to connect laptop or desktop computer to TV

There is no need of keeping spending a lot of money getting those cable and satellite TV, when there is a lot of terrific content available without any cost or to pay a little. 
The advantage of the HDMI cable is that you can more easily travel with it everywhere and once you know how to connect your computer to the TV, many hotel TVs have an HDMI input so you can utilize to watch your favourite content.

In this article, I will show you on how to use a simple HDMI cable to connect to your laptop or desktop computer to an HDTV so that you can watch anything you like on that big screen of your TV while controlling it from your own laptop or desktop computer.

Device you need to connect your TV and laptop or desktop computer

Laptop or desktop computer with an HDMI port which stands for High-Definition multimedia Interface port, an HDMI cable and an HDTV that you use to plug in. 

An HDMI cable has two types, If you have an HDTV it means you probably have a fat cable, and a very slight unidirectional cable that requires you to plug in with correct orientation one to the TV and other to the Laptop or desktop computer.

Now get started

Plug in the HDMI cable on the back of the TV; please pay attention for the labels also. When you turn the TV on it will indicate the input port that you will want to pick. Plug an HDMI cable to HDMI port of your laptop or desktop computer also.
Once you have plugged into both your laptop and HDTV, use either your TV remote or the TV menu itself to select the matching input.

Configure your Laptop or computer desktop to use HDMI cable

Often the windows looks to ignore the HDMI port when you plug the cable in. its fine don’t worry, it’s easy for you to talk with your computer through performing different settings. Here go:

Open your control panel, select adjust screen resolution. On the windows you will see that it shows there are two different displays, but one of them will be disabled.

To resolve the issue on the second monitor, choose Extend the desktop onto this monitor and click Apply. ‘Now your HDTV will show you a windows desktop background photograph/image.
Point to remember is that in order to have the background photo spread across the entire TV screen. I recommend you to use the resolution on the second screen to be at least 1100*650 depending on the option you have.

Now you have done, open your favourite web browser, and go to www.youtube.com or www.hulu.com  and pick something you would like to watch.

Now, using your mouse, tap and drag the title bar of the Web window to the right, off your computer screen. As it moves off that screen, it should appear on the TV screen. What we have done is basically extend your desktop onto the second display so anything you drag there is on the TV.

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