

How to fix windows 10 slowdown performance

After Microsoft announces offers to windows 10 free upgrade around the world, Millions of Computer users upgraded their computer from their old windows such as Windows 7, 8 or 8.1 to latest windows 10. If you’re among of millions user upgraded your computer from old windows to windows 10, you might be noticing that your installed windows 10 operating system seems to slow down with low performance. Such performance typically appears in the form of delay. 

For example when you hit at the start Menu button (has windows icon), may take up to two to third seconds before the search windows open. Also you might want to refresh your computer but when you right click on PC screen will take several seconds before the pop-up window contain refresh list open.

While trying to recover my computer for slow down performance problem I come up with some search tweaks that makes my day happy. One of the forums for Microsoft community I found one suggestion that makes all done. But still you can still use different option to recover your computer as well.

If you’re facing similar problem, the best option is for you to speed up the Operating System by changing the default settings for Page File Control in Windows 10 from system managed to manual format since by default the operating systems especially windows are fixed to allow the system to manage it. What will be done here is to change the page file memory’s file and maximum size based upon RAM on your PC. Follow the guides step by steps to resolve the issue.

Fix windows 10 slow performance

  • Check the task bar bottom at left hand hit the cursor in search windows near the start menu button (windows icon), type cont or control panel when appear click on it.
  • Now check at your right hand at the top corner of your pop-up control panel window, hit the cursor in search bar and type performance and press enter key.
  • Check the first option named System with desktop computer icon, Click on Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows will take some second while loading.

  • Now the appeared window will have three option at the top that is Visual Effects, Advanced and Data Execution Prevention. Click to the Advanced then go direct to second section and  hit change on the Virtual memory section.

  • Under Virtual Memory you will find checked box named automatically manage paging file size for all drivers. Uncheck the box 

  • The section named Paging file size for each drive consists of volume label and padding File size with both of your local disk will respond. Now select local disk C (the disk you installed windows 10 Operating System), choose Custom size. Now you can change the initial size and Maximum size to the recommended values by windows. Now tap to Set and hit Ok to save the settings you made.

  • Reboot your computer to allow changes to take effect into your computer and fix the problem of slow down issues in your windows 10 PC.
After the restart of your computer you will find your PC experiencing windows 10 performance and enjoy.


There some precaution you need to observe always so that to make your computer not follow into slow performance problem. Make sure you observe the following tips: Check often if your version of windows is not infected with any viruses since many proprietary operating systems like Windows regarding windows 10, 7, 8, 8.1 and so on is susceptible to malware. So make sure you’re built in Windows defender or your third party antivirus is updated. Run full scan of your computer at least five days per week. Disable running background apps that use large memory on your computer to do this open press CTRL + ALT + DEL, then hit on task manager and disable anything lagging your computer.

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