

Top ten insurance companies in Tanzania

Tanzania is the largest eastern African country, with the largest growing economy. The countries is surrounded by various countries, lakes, sea, parks, mountain, etc. some countries surrounds Tanzania are Uganda and Kenya at north part, Rwanda and Burundi to the western part, Malawi and Mozambique to southern part. The countries possess the highest mountain in Africa located in north east part of the country. Also the countries have several parks available for insider and outsider tourist some are Serengeti National Park in Mara region, Ngoro Ngoro Park.

Insurance is the one way of protecting yourself and your property from financial risk especially if anything happen and regards to uncertain loss. As you insured you will need to buy insurance from your favorite insurer depending on how best their services.

Tanzania Insurance Regulatory Authority

The Authority is established under the the Insurance Act No.10 of 2009 as Follows: There is established a body to be known as the Tanzania Insurance Regulatory Authority. Subject to the general supervision of the Minister, the Authority shall be charged with the responsibility of coordinating policy and other matters relating to insurance in the United Republic.
All insurances companies in Tanzania are monitored by National Regulatory Authority (TIRA). It’s responsible to specify the code of conduct for member of the insurance industry, Effect supervision and monitoring of insurer, brokers and agents, Formulate standards in the conduct of business of insurance and much more.

Types of insurance services

Several insurances services are offered by insurances companies in Tanzania some are: Accident insurance, Home insurance, Business insurance, Auto insurance, Health insurance, Life insurance, Property insurance, Income protection insurance, Casualty insurance, etc. Below are ten list of insurance companies in Tanzania. 

List of insurance companies in Tanzania.

  • Jubilee Insurance Company Limited
  • AAR Insurance Company Limited
  • Alliance Insurance Corporation Limited
  • First Assurance Company Limited
  • ICEO Lion General Insurance Company Limited
  • Insurance Group of Tanzania Limited
  • Maxinsure (Tanzania) Limited
  • Metropolitan Tanzania Insurance Company Limited
  • MGen Tanzania Insurance Company Limited
  • Milembe Insurance Company Limited
  • MO assurance Company Limited
  • National Insurance Corporation Company Limited
  • National Health Insurance Fund
  • Niko insurance Company Limited
  • REAL insurance Tanzania Limited
  • Zanzibar Insurance Corporation
  • Africa Risks Insurance Services
 It's explanation coming soon.

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