

How to replace the BIOS chip in a computer motherboard easy steps

The BIOS is written program code named Firmware by the BIOS manufacturer that resides in one or more chips on the computer motherboard that helps the computers to perform many primary functions.
BIOS (Basic input/output system) has important work within your computer system because without BIOS wouldn’t be any interface/communication between the Central Processing Unit (CPU) and the other components. 

The BIOS, programmed code named Firmware serves several function within our system some of them are: Booting the operating system, the BIOS takes up the control of the computer system and boots the operating system, since the BIOS contains the bootstrap loader which is responsible for searching and starting the operating system boot program.

The BIOS also uses the Power on Self-test to test the computer hardware through performing the memory test. For instance if your forgotten to replace the RAM on the motherboard the BIOS POST will uses beeps code to notify you. But the beep codes differ according to the BIOS you’re using.

Furthermore the BIOS allow the CPU to access the video controller, hard disk and other peripheral components through providing low-level hardware access when the operating system runs.

Point to note is that noting every motherboard use the same chip set, so this means that not every BIOS can be the same even if they are from the same manufacturer.

Upgrade the Computer BIOS

You have to upgrade your BIOS at least every five to six month to prevent the incompatibility problems otherwise when you will be trying to plug to new gadgets might get discarded by your computer BIOS. Here are some of the advantages of upgrading your computer’s BIOS.

Will allow your computer to support new hardware: As you always know new hardware are released daily as the technology regards, and might happen that at the time you bought your computer there were not such hardware built in, so you will need to install to your computer so that can serves some functionality. This hardware might be Universal serial bus, additional serial and parallel ports, etc.

Through upgrading your computer’s BIOS, will allow some BIOS features not related to hardware to fit on, among of the features are password protection for computer system, built in virus protection and BIOS settings.

Allows your computer system to take automatic configuration to the adapters it contains especially if you upgrade from non-PnP to PnP that’s means will support for plug and play.  

Before proceeding in any steps or doing anything make sure you backed up your BIOS settings, and you need to have a hard copy ready of your hard disk BIOS settings

Without upgrading BIOS some hardware might not work properly at all to your computer’s system.

Before replacing your BIOS you will need to know first what type of BIOS you have and its version. Always when you start your computer the BIOS manufacturer and version will be displayed on the display for a few second, so take a look at them.

How to identify BIOS chip on motherboard

The next things you need to know is the motherboard manufacturer, since when buying the BIOS the manufacturer or the sellers will ask such kind of question.

To replace the BIOS you will need to perform the following function: Make sure you have the tool kit with tools such as chip extractor that will be used to remove the chips, you have adequate static protection, you will be required to find the old BIOS chips on the motherboard, correct the BIOS upgrade chip, etc. here are the steps to replace the BIOS to your computer’s system. 

Steps to replace your computer BIOS.

  • Shut down your computer
  • Unplug the PC adapter from the power outlet in case is connected on
  • Use your tool kit to disassemble your computer by removing the PCs cover and place it aside
  • Use Anti-static wristband if you have it to discharge your static and slip
  • Check for BIOS chip on motherboard usually are located near the left edge of the board forward of the bus slot. Now locate the BIOS chip on the motherboard. If you not familiar with such stuff contact, find help from the expert so that can help you
  • Remove adapter cards on the motherboard in the way of the BIOS chip and place them aside in safe place. In removing the adapter cards you will need to disconnect the external cable if any, and leave the internal cables connected to the card and just push the cards out. so that you can make your work much easier in removing the chip. Please make sure as the time you remove adapter card don’t touch in, after pushing the cards out of the way touch at the edge of the card.
  • Using flat-bladed screwdriver or chip extractor, take precaution in removing the BIOS chip observe carefully, and don’t use force to remove it. As the time you remove the formal BIOS chip, replace the current BIOS chip immediately.
  • In replacing the BIOS chip observe the following tips: make sure the pins on the BIOS chip are straight, now you can install the chip and the last tip take care in aligning the pins (notch on the chip with the notch on the socket).
  • Before pushing the chip onto its socket, verify that all the pins are aligned properly otherwise will not work.
  • Check to see if the orientations of the chips in their socket are installed correctly, if not try to reinstall correct then proceed.
  • Place back/ reinstall the removed adapter cards and the external cables
  • Now prove your work to make sure that all the adapter cards, external cables you removed earlier are connected properly.
  • Replace back the computer cover, plug on the adapter on the power source/outlet then turn on your computer
  • If the BIOS were installed correctly, you will find the system begins to boot. Enter key sequences as required by your BIOS to enter the BIOS setup program.
  • Now, it’s your time to enter the settings for hard disk and any primary configuration information, leave the complex settings alone.
  • Verify if your system can read the hard disk and boot properly.
  • Save the BIOS setup configuration settings and let the system reboot.
Now, I’m sure you will get your BIOS running into your computer’s systems. 

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