

How do you find the control panel in windows 10?

Control panel is the one of built in desktop app in Microsoft windows operating system, which allows users to view and manipulate basic system settings such as adding and removing software from your computer system, 

adding hardware, control user accounts and changing accessibility options. In this article you will get to know several options you can use to find the control panel in windows 10.

How do you find the control panel?

Step 1.

Right click on the network icon on the windows taskbar; depending on two options given to you click open network and sharing centre. On left tab of opened window on your computer screen click Control panel home.
Open the control panel, by typing control panel on the search windows near to the start windows button and click on it.

Step 2

Press Win + X, the small window will open next to file explorer from the list given click control panel.

Step 3

Click the file explorer from your windows taskbar, click This PC on top menu select Computer. Under computer you will find several options click System properties. On opened window on your computer screen on left navigation pane click Control panel home at the top most.

Step 4

Right Click on notification icon on your right hand near the sound icon on the taskbar. From the two options given click open action centre. Under action centre click all settings (the gear icon) from the several options given. In the open window Click on Network & Internet, under Wi-Fi click on Change advanced sharing options. On the open windows on the search top bar click control panel.

Step 5

Press Win + I, on the open window click Network & Internet, under related settings click Network and sharing centre, on the left navigation tab click Control panel home. 


What are the uses of control panel?

  • Control panel perform the following function in Microsoft windows system:

  • Allows users to view and manipulate basic system settings such as adding and removing software from your computer system,

  • Adding hardware,

  • Control user accounts and changing accessibility options.


How do you find the control panel?

  • Press Win + X

  • Press Win + I

  • Use the file explorer

  • Type control panel on search windows bar

  • Right click on notification icon

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