

How to forget wireless network profile in windows 8

Microsoft windows 8 is quite different with the previous version of windows like Microsoft windows XP and later 7, which allows you to remove, delete wireless network easier from graphical user interface. But the latest release after Microsoft windows 7 like windows 8 have no such kind of features, so to remove the wireless network from your PC you will need to use command prompt with administrator right.
In this article, will guide you on how you can delete, remove or forget wireless network using command prompt in case the profile becomes too huge or other reason as I explained in the previous article

Forget network windows 8 cmd

Step 1: Press Win + X, from the list select command prompt(Admin) to open the command prompt with administrator privileges, you will be required to verify access user privilege by clicking yes on the prompted window.

Related article: Forget network windows 10

Step 2:
Click the Win icon, search command prompt, right click on the desktop app, and run as administrator. Then verify the user privileges.

View saved wireless network profiles

After the command prompt opened, list all saved wireless network profile stored in your PC running Microsoft windows 8. Type in the command below to view all saved network profiles: “COMMAND>NETSH WLAN SHOW PROFILES” then press enter to allow command to execute.

The command you typed in, will retrieve some detail such as wireless network name for all saved wireless network profiles.

Remove a wireless network profile

Now, after you viewed all saved wireless network, decide the network profile you need to remove, and then use the command below to delete completely from your device.
“COMMAN>NETSH WLAN DELETE PROFILE<NETWORK NAME>” then press enter to allow the command to execute.
Assume after you typed in command prompt the command: NETSH WLAN SHOW PROFILES. You viewed “Ains” and “Huawei ascend” as the saved wireless network profiles in your device: If you want to delete “Ains” only: type in command prompt the command as: NETSH WLAN DELETE PROFILE AINS. Now done

Forget all saved wireless network profile once.

If happen you want to delete all wireless network profiles from your device, use the command below: COMMAND>NETSH WLAN DELETE PROFILE *, then press enter for command execution.
Remember if you decide to delete all wireless network profiles available in your computer, at the time you need to access the internet from these devices you will need to enter security key again.

Now, I’m sure you can delete wireless network profile on your PC running windows 8 or 8.1 too easily. Let me know in the comment box below, any query leave your comment.

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