

How to view folder size in windows 10

Check folder size in windows 10

Every computer has a folder since even computer desktop is a folder, when you press desktop folder on windows will displays its content like files and folders across the entire screen. A folder holds one or more files like music audio and video, and you need to remember if the folder is not filled with files, will remain empty until you decided to do so. Also you can place the folder within another folder (subfolder). 

The best things with folder are the organization of files within one place, can you imagine how it would be if you have hundreds of files and you have to store every file separately within the computer, probably will be worst options if you don’t believe try it today than have a comment below.

To understand the concept of folder here is the example of folder from real life, assume you have hundreds of text files (documents) with student results or anything else in the file cabinet placed within the manila file folder, the manila acts like a folder in a computer. So, you can now see the easiest of organizing these text files within one place. In this article I will show you tip on how you can create and check folder size in windows 10.

How to create folder in windows 10

Creating of folder in windows is just easy steps: go to your computer screen, place the cursor on the screen and right click, the open small window, select New from the list of options then the expand tray will show you list of options click Folder, name the folder with your preferred name. Now you can copy or move the files within the folder you created. 

Also you can create another folder within the created folder by using the similar approach used to create previous folder.

How to check folder size in windows 10

After creating your folder and moved some files within it, now you can check to see its size, or if you have other folder on your computer disk and you need to view its size here is how you can do it, in simple steps.

Right click on the folder for which you want to view its size, from the list of options click properties, the last options bottom in the context menu. The dialog with folder properties will open showing folder size, size on disk, the numbers of files and folder (subfolder) within the folder on the general menu. 

Also you can check other properties like the created folder date, folder attributes like hidden and read only, and location of the folder and you can decide to use the advanced attributes so that you can choose for yourself the settings you want for the folder, to compress the content to save the disk space and encrypt contents to secure data.

Another easiest ways to view the folder properties, go to the folder you want to check its properties, place the cursor on the folder, now you will be able to see the folder properties.

For your case, does the folder important to you? Let me know leave your comment in the comment box below.

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